Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. பரவலாக விதை, எங்கும் தூவு, பரப்பு, நாற்றிசையிலும் பரவவிடு, (பெயரடை) சிதறிய, பரவிய.



Dis*sem"i*nate, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Disseminated; p. pr. & vb. n. Disseminating.] Etym: [L. disseminatus, p. p. of disseminare to disseminate; dis- + seminare to sow, semen seed. See Seminary.] 1. To sow broadcast or as seed; to scatter for growth and propagation, like seed; to spread abroad; to diffuse; as, principles, ideas, opinions, and errors are disseminated when they are spread abroad for propagation. 2. To spread or extend by dispersion. A nearly uniform and constant fire or heat disseminated throughout the body of the earth. Woodward. Syn. -- To spread; diffuse; propagate; circulate; disperse; scatter.

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