Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. இறங்குதல், இறக்கல், கீழ்நோக்கிய செலவு, கீழ்நோக்கிய சாய்வு, சரிவு, கால்வழி, மரபுவழி வருகை, மரபுக்கொடி வழியில் ஒருபடி, உடைமையின் மரபுவழிவ உரிமை, பண்பின் மரபுவழி வருகை, பட்டத்தின் கொடிவழி வருகை, ஆற்றின் ஒழுக்குவழிப் போக்கு, கடல்வழித் திடீர்த்தாக்குதல் வீழ்ச்சி, தாழ்வு, நலிவு, தரஇழிவு, அளவில் குறைபடுகை.



De*scent", n. Etym: [F. descente, fr. descendre; like vente, from vendre. See Descend.] 1. The act of descending, or passing downward; change of place from higher to lower. 2. Incursion; sudden attack; especially, hostile invasion from sea; - - often followed by upon or on; as, to make a descent upon the enemy. The United Provinces . . . ordered public prayer to God, when they feared that the French and English fleets would make a descent upon their coasts. Jortin. 3. Progress downward, as in station, virtue, as in station, virtue, and the like, from a higher to a lower state, from a higher to a lower state, from the more to the less important, from the better to the worse, etc. 2. Derivation, as from an ancestor; procedure by generation; lineage; birth; extraction. Dryden. 5. (Law) Defn: Transmission of an estate by inheritance, usually, but not necessarily, in the descending line; title to inherit an estate by reason of consanguinity. Abbott. 6. Inclination downward; a descending way; inclined or sloping surface; declivity; slope; as, a steep descent. 7. That which is descended; descendants; issue. If care of our descent perplex us most, Which must be born to certain woe. Milton. 8. A step or remove downward in any scale of gradation; a degree in the scale of genealogy; a generation. No man living is a thousand descents removed from Adam himself. Hooker. 9. Lowest place; extreme downward place. [R.] And from the extremest upward of thy head, To the descent and dust below thy foot. Shak. 10. (Mus.) Defn: A passing from a higher to a lower tone. Syn. -- Declivity; slope; degradation; extraction; lineage; assault; invasion; attack.

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