Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. அமிழ்வு, தாழ்வு, பள்ளம், குழிவு, தொய்வு, குரல் தாழ்வு, கிளர்ச்சியின்மை, சோர்வு, வாட்டம், காற்றழுத்த இழிபு, காற்றழுத்த இழிபு மையம், விழிவரை இறக்கக் கோணம், அடிவான்கோட்டின் கீழ் இழிகோணம்.



De*pres"sion, n. Etym: [L. depressio: cf. F. dépression.] 1. The act of depressing. 2. The state of being depressed; a sinking. 3. A falling in of the surface; a sinking below its true place; a cavity or hollow; as, roughness consists in little protuberances and depressions. 4. Humiliation; abasement, as of pride. 5. Dejection; despondency; lowness. In a great depression of spirit. Baker. 6. Diminution, as of trade, etc.; inactivity; dullness. 7. (Astron.) Defn: The angular distance of a celestial object below the horizon. 8. (Math.) Defn: The operation of reducing to a lower degree; -- said of equations. 9. (Surg.) Defn: A method of operating for cataract; couching. See Couch, v. t., 8. Angle of depression (Geod.), one which a descending line makes with a horizontal plane. -- Depression of the dewpoint (Meteor.), the number of degreees that the dew-point is lower than the actual temperature of the atmosphere. -- Depression of the pole, its apparent sinking, as the spectator goes toward the equator. -- Depression of the visible horizon. (Astron.) Same as Dip of the horizon, under Dip. Syn. -- Abasement; reduction; sinking; fall; humiliation; dejection; melancholy.

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