Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கோழை, துணிவு இல்லாதவர், வலிமை குறைந்தவரிடம் வலிமை காட்டிக் காரியம் ஆற்றுபவர், (பெ.) கோழையான, (கட்.) கால்களுக்கிடையில் வாலுள்ளதான, (வி.) கோழையாக்கு.



Cow"ard (kou"rd), a. Etym: [OF. couard, coard, coart, n. and adj., F. couard, fr. OF. coe, coue, tail, F. queue (fr. L. coda, a form of cauda tail) + -ard; orig., short-tailed, as an epithet of the hare, or perh., turning tail, like a scared dog. Cf. Cue, Queue, Caudal.] 1. (Her.) Defn: Borne in the escutcheon with his tail doubled between his legs; -- said of a lion. 2. Destitute of courage; timid; cowardly. Fie, coward woman, and soft-hearted wretch. Shak. 3. Belonging to a coward; proceeding from, or expressive of, base fear or timidity. He raised the house with loud and coward cries. Shak. Invading fears repel my coward joy. Proir. Cow"ard, n. Defn: A person who lacks courage; a timid or pusillanimous person; a poltroon. A fool is nauseous, but a coward worse. Dryden. Syn. -- Craven; poltroon; dastard. Cow"ard, v. t. Defn: To make timoroys; to frighten. [Obs.] That which cowardeth a man's heart. Foxe.

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