Tamil Dictionary 🔍


Con`sub*stan"ti*ate, v. t. [imp & p. p. Consubstantiated; p.pr & vb. n. Consubstantiating.] Defn: To cause to unite, or to regard as united, in one common substance or nature. [R.] His soul must be consubstantiated with reason. Jer. Taylor. Con`sub*stan"ti*ate, v. i. Defn: To profess or belive the doctrine of consubstantion. The consubstantiating church and priest. Dryden. Con`sub*stan"ti*ate, a. Defn: Partaking of the same substance; united; consubstantial. We must love her [the wife] that is thus consubstantiate with us. Feltham.

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