Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. கட்டுதல் சார்ந்த, கட்டிடத்துக்குரிய, ஆக்கச் சார்பான, வள ஆக்கம் நாடுகிற.

Con*struct"ive, a. Etym: [Cf. F. constructif.] 1. Having ability to construct or form; employed in construction; as, to exhibit constructive power. The constructive fingers of Watts. Emerson. 2. Derived from, or depending on, construction or interpretation; not directly expressed, but inferred. Constructive crimes (Law), acts having effects analogous to those of some statutory or common law crimes; as, constructive treason. Constructive crimes are no longer recognized by the courts. -- Constructive notice, notice imputed by construction of law. -- Constructive trust, a trust which may be assumed to exist, though no actual mention of it be made.

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