Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. கெங்சிக்கேள், மன்றாடு, இரந்து வேண்டு.


#verb implore, obsecrate, beg, beseech, importune, crave, solicit,supplicate, pray, ask, urge, petition


#verb command, insist, bid, enjoin

Im*plore", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Implored; p. pr. & vb. n. Imploring.] Etym: [L. implorare; pref. im- in + plorare to cry aloud. See Deplore.] Defn: To call upon, or for, in supplication; to beseech; to prey to, or for, earnestly; to petition with urency; to entreat; to beg; -- followed directly by the word expressing the thing sought, or the person from whom it is sought. Imploring all the gods that reign above. Pope. I kneel, and then implore her blessing. Shak. Syn. -- To beseech; supplicate; crave; entreat; beg; solicit; petition; prey; request; adjure. See Beseech. Im*plore", v. i. Defn: To entreat; to beg; to prey. Im*plore", n. Defn: Imploration. [Obs.] Spencer.

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