Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. முடிவுறு, முடிவுக்குக் கொண்டுவா, ஏற்பாடு முற்றுவி, செய்து முடி, முடிவு செய், தீர்மானி, ஆய்ந்து முடிவுகாண், முடிவுக்கு வா, முடிவு உருவாக்கு, (சட்.) நோக்கம் தெரிவி.



Con*clude", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Concluded; p. pr. & vb. n. Concluding.] Etym: [L. concludere, conclusum; con- + claudere to shut. See Close, v. t.] 1. To shut up; to inclose. [Obs.] The very person of Christ [was] concluded within the grave. Hooker. 2. To include; to comprehend; to shut up together; to embrace. [Obs.] For God hath concluded all in unbelief. Rom. xi. 32. The Scripture hath concluded all under sin. Gal. iii. 22. 3. To reach as an end of reasoning; to infer, as from premises; to close, as an argument, by inferring; -- sometimes followed by a dependent clause. No man can conclude God's love or hatred to any person by anything that befalls him. Tillotson. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith. Rom. iii. 28. 4. To make a final determination or judgment concerning; to judge; to decide. But no frail man, however great or high, Can be concluded blest before he die. Addison. Is it concluded he shall be protector Shak. 5. To bring to an end; to close; to finish. I will conclude this part with the speech of a counselor of state. Bacon. 6. To bring about as a result; to effect; to make; as, to conclude a bargain. "If we conclude a peace." Shak. 7. To shut off; to restrain; to limit; to estop; to bar; -- generally in the passive; as, the defendant is concluded by his own plea; a judgment concludes the introduction of further evidence argument. If therefore they will appeal to revelation for their creation they must be concluded by it. Sir M. Hale. Syn. -- To infer; decide; determine; settle; close; finish; terminate; end. Con*clude", v. i. 1. To come to a termination; to make an end; to close; to end; to terminate. A train of lies, That, made in lust, conclude in perjuries. Dryden. And, to conclude, The victory fell on us. Shak. 2. To form a final judgment; to reach a decision. Can we conclude upon Luther's instability Bp. Atterbury. Conclude and be agreed. Shak.

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