Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மென்பஞ்சியல் முகில், அடித்த பஞ்சு போன்ற தோற்றமுள்ள மேகக் கூட்டம், (தாவ.) தளிர்க் கை, (வில.) சுருண்ட இழை.

Cir"rus, n.; pl. Cirri. Etym: [L., lock, curl, ringlet.] [Also written cirrhus.] 1. (Bot.) Defn: A tendril or clasper. 2. (Zoöl.) (a) A soft tactile appendage of the mantle of many Mollusca, and of the parapodia of Annelida. Those near the head of annelids are Tentacular cirri; those of the last segment are caudal cirri. (b) The jointed, leglike organs of Cirripedia. See Annelida, and Polychæta. Note: In some of the inferior animals the cirri aid in locomotion; in others they are used in feeding; in the Annelida they are mostly organs of touch. Some cirri are branchial in function. 3. (Zoöl.) Defn: The external male organ of trematodes and some other worms, and of certain Mollusca. 4. (Meteor.) Defn: See under Cloud.

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