Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. பண்பு விரித்துரை, தனிச்சிறப்புக்களால் விளக்கு, வருணி, தனித்தன்மையளி, தனிச்சிறப்பாய் அமை.



Char"ac*ter*ize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Characterized; p. pr. & vb. n. Characterizing.] Etym: [LL. characterizare, Gr. charactériser.] 1. To make distinct and recognizable by peculiar marks or traits; to make with distinctive features. European, Asiatic, Chinese, African, and Grecian faces are Characterized. Arbuthot. 2. To engrave or imprint. [Obs.] Sir M. Hale. 3. To indicate the character of; to describe. Under the name of Tamerlane he intended to characterize King William. Johnson. 4. To be a characteristic of; to make, or express the character of. The softness and effeminacy which characterize the men of rank in most countries. W. Irving. Syn. -- To describe; distinguish; mark; designate; style; particularize; entitle.

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