Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஒழிவு, தவிர்வு, ஓய்வு, இடை நிறுத்தம், இடைஓய்வு.



Ces*sa"tion, n. Etym: [F. cessation, L. cessatio, fr. cessare. See Cease.] Defn: A ceasing of discontinuance, as of action, whether termporary or final; a stop; as, a cessation of the war. The temporary cessation of the papal iniquities. Motley. The day was yearly observed for a festival by cessation from labor. Sir J. Hayward. Cessation of arms (Mil.), an armistice, or truce, agreed to by the commanders of armies, to give time for a capitulation, or for other purposes. Syn. -- Stop; rest; stay; pause; discontinuance; intermission; interval; respite; interruption; recess; remission.

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