Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. கணிக்கிற, முன்னாய்வுடைய, திட்டமிடப்பட்ட, தன்னலமும் சூழ்ச்சியுமுடைய, (தொ.) கணிப்புப் பொறி.



Cal"cu*la`ting, a. 1. Of or pertaining to mathematical calculations; performing or able to perform mathematical calculations. 2. Given to contrivance or forethought; forecasting; scheming; as, a cool calculating disposition. Calculating machine, a machine for the mechanical performance of mathematical operations, for the most part invented by Charles Babbage and G. and E. Scheutz. It computes logarithmic and other mathematical tables of a high degree of intricacy, imprinting the results on a leaden plate, from which a stereotype plate is then directly made. Cal"cu*la`ting, n. Defn: The act or process of making mathematical computations or of estimating results.

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