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n. கோழி அல்லது வாத்தின் கொக்கரிப்பு, பொருளற்ற பேச்சு, வீம்புமொழி, வெற்று நகைப்பு, (வினை) கொக்கரி.



Cac"kle, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Cackled (-k'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Cackling.] Etym: [OE. cakelen; cf. LG. kakeln, D. kakelen, G. gackeln, gackern; all of imitative origin. Cf. Gagle, Cake to cackle.] 1. To make a sharp, broken noise or cry, as a hen or goose does. When every goose is cackling. Shak. 2. To laugh with a broken noise, like the cackling of a hen or a goose; to giggle. Arbuthnot. 3. To talk in a silly manner; to prattle. Johnson. Cac"kle, n. 1. The sharp broken noise made by a goose or by a hen that has laid an egg. By her cackle saved the state. Dryden. 2. Idle talk; silly prattle. There is a buzz and cackle all around regarding the sermon. Thackeray.

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