Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. அடைப்பான், மிடாவின் துளையடைக்கும் தக்கை, (வினை) தக்கையால் மிடாவின் துளையை அடை.

Bung, n. Etym: [Cf. W. bwng orfice, bunghole, Ir. buinne tap, spout, OGael. buine.] 1. The large stopper of the orifice in the bilge of a cask. 2. The orifice in the bilge of a cask through which it is filled; bunghole. 3. A sharper or pickpocket. [Obs. & Low] You filthy bung, away. Shak. Bung, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bunged; p. pr. & vb. n. Bunging.] Defn: To stop, as the orifice in the bilge of a cask, with a bung; to close; -- with up. To bung up, to use up, as by bruising or over exertion; to exhaust or incapacitate for action. [Low] He had bunged up his mouth that he should not have spoken these three years. Shelton (Trans. Don Quixote).

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