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n. இளந்தளிர் உணவு, கிளை தழை, பசுந்தீவனம், தழை மேய்தல், கறித்தல், கொய்தல், பறித்தல், விட்டுவிட்டு வாசித்தல்.

Browse, n. Etym: [OF. brost, broust, sprout, shoot, F. brout browse, browsewood, prob. fr. OHG. burst, G. borste, bristle; cf. also Armor. brousta to browse. See Bristle, n., Brush, n.] Defn: The tender branches or twigs of trees and shrubs, fit for the food of cattle and other animals; green food. Spenser. Sheep, goats, and oxen, and the nobler steed, On browse, and corn, and flowery meadows feed. Dryden. Browse, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Browsed; p. pr. & vb. n. Browsing.] Etym: [For broust, OF. brouster, bruster, F. brouter. See Browse, n., and cf. Brut.] 1. To eat or nibble off, as the tender branches of trees, shrubs, etc.; -- said of cattle, sheep, deer, and some other animals. Yes, like the stag, when snow the plasture sheets, The barks of trees thou browsedst. Shak. 2. To feed on, as pasture; to pasture on; to graze. Fields . . . browsed by deep-uddered kine. Tennyson. Browse, v. i. 1. To feed on the tender branches or shoots of shrubs or trees, as do cattle, sheep, and deer. 2. To pasture; to feed; to nibble. Shak.

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