Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மைக்கறை, கறை, இகழ்ச்சிக்குறிப்பு, மங்குதல், அரைகுறை மரைப்பு, தௌதவின்மை, குழம்பியநிலை, (வினை) மையப்பு, கறைமேவுலி, உருக்கெடு, தௌதவு கெடு, மங்கலாக்கு, அழி, மறை.

Blur, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Blurred; p. pr. & vb. n. Blurring.] Etym: [Prob. of same origin as blear. See Blear.] 1. To render obscure by making the form or outline of confused and uncertain, as by soiling; to smear; to make indistinct and confused; as, to blur manuscript by handling it while damp; to blur the impression of a woodcut by an excess of ink. But time hath nothing blurred those lines of favor Which then he wore. Shak. 2. To cause imperfection of vision in; to dim; to darken. Her eyes are blurred with the lightning's glare. J. R. Drake. 3. To sully; to stain; to blemish, as reputation. Sarcasms may eclipse thine own, But can not blur my lost renown. Hudibras. Syn. -- To spot; blot; disfigure; stain; sully. Blur, n. 1. That which obscures without effacing; a stain; a blot, as upon paper or other substance. As for those who cleanse blurs with blotted fingers, they make it worse. Fuller. 2. A dim, confused appearance; indistinctness of vision; as, to see things with a blur; it was all blur. 3. A moral stain or blot. Lest she . . . will with her railing set a great blur on mine honesty and good name. Udall.

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