Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. செர்மன் எழுத்தப் போன்ற பழைய ஆங்கிய அச்சு எழுத்து வடிவம்.

Black"-let`ter, a. 1. Written or printed in black letter; as, a black-letter manuscript or book. 2. Given to the study of books in black letter; that is, of old books; out of date. Kemble, a black-letter man! J. Boaden. 3. Of or pertaining to the days in the calendar not marked with red letters as saints' days. Hence: Unlucky; inauspicious. Black" let`ter. Defn: The old English or Gothic letter, in which the Early English manuscripts were written, and the first English books were printed. It was conspicuous for its blackness. See Type.

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