Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. எதிர்ச்சார்பான, கேடு உண்டுபண்ணத்தக்க, தப்பெண்ணம் ஊட்டுகிற, முற்சாய்வு உண்டுபண்ணுகிற.


Prej`u*di"cial a. Etym: [L. praejudicialis belonging to a preceding judgment: cf. F. préjudiciel.] 1. Biased, possessed, or blinded by prejudices; as, to look with a prejudicial eye. [Obs.] Holyday. 2. Tending to obstruct or impair; hurtful; injurious; disadvantageous; detrimental. Hooker. His going away . . . was most prejudicial and most ruinous to the king's affairs. Clarendon. -- Prej`u*di"cial*ly, adv. -- Prej`u*di"cial*ness, n.

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