Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. pl. உலைத்துருத்தி, காற்றுஊதுந் துருத்தி, வெறுப்பு-அழுக்காறு முதலிய உணர்ச்சிகளைக் கிளறிவிடும் செய்தி, நுறையீரல், நிழற்படக்கருவியல் விரிந்துசுருங்கும் பகுதி.

Bel"lows, n. sing. & pl. Etym: [OE. bely, below, belly, bellows, AS. bælg, bælig, bag, bellows, belly. Bellows is prop. a pl. and the orig. sense is bag. See Belly.] Defn: An instrument, utensil, or machine, which, by alternate expansion and contraction, or by rise and fall of the top, draws in air through a valve and expels it through a tube for various purposes, as blowing fires, ventilating mines, or filling the pipes of an organ with wind. Bellows camera, in photography, a form of camera, which can be drawn out like an accordion or bellows. -- Hydrostatic bellows. See Hydrostatic. -- A pair of bellows, the ordinary household instrument for blowing fires, consisting of two nearly heart-shaped boards with handles, connected by leather, and having a valve and tube.

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