Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. தடைவேலி, தடையரண், இடைவேலி, வழிமறிப்பு, தட்டி, தடை, தடங்கல், இடையூறு, இடைத்தடுக்கு, எல்லை, சுங்க எல்லை, கம்பி அழி பழைய வண்டியோட்டப்பந்தயங்களில் புறப்படும் இடம் குறித்த கம்பிச்சட்டம், (வினை) தடையிடு, வேலியிட்டு அடை.

Bar"ri*er, n. Etym: [OE. barrere, barere, F. barrière, fr. barre bar. See Bar, n.] 1. (Fort.) Defn: A carpentry obstruction, stockade, or other obstacle made in a passage in order to stop an enemy. 2. A fortress or fortified town, on the frontier of a country, commanding an avenue of approach. 3. pl. Defn: A fence or railing to mark the limits of a place, or to keep back a crowd. No sooner were the barriers opened, than he paced into the lists. Sir W. Scott. 4. An any obstruction; anything which hinders approach or attack. "Constitutional barriers." Hopkinson. 5. Any limit or boundary; a line of separation. 'Twixt that [instinct] and reason, what a nice barrier ! Pope. Barrier gate, a heavy gate to close the opening through a barrier. -- Barrier reef, a form of coral reef which runs in the general direction of the shore, and incloses a lagoon channel more or less extensive. -- To fight at barriers, to fight with a barrier between, as a martial exercise. [Obs.]

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