Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. வருவது காட்டு, தொடங்கு.

Aus"pi*cate, a. Etym: [L. auspicatus, p. p. of auspicari to take auspices, fr. auspex a bird seer, an augur, a contr. of avispex; avis bird + specere, spicere, to view. See Aviary, Spy.] Defn: Auspicious. [Obs.] Holland. Aus"pi*cate, v. t. 1. To foreshow; to foretoken. [Obs.] B. Jonson. 2. To give a favorable turn to in commencing; to inaugurate; -- a sense derived from the Roman practice of taking the auspicium, or inspection of birds, before undertaking any important business. They auspicate all their proceedings. Burke.

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