Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. வேண்டுகோள், விண்ணப்பம், மேலேபூசுதல், செயற்படுத்தல், பயன்படுத்துதல், பூசப்படும் சாந்துதைலம் முதலியன, பற்று, பூச்சு, பொருந்தவைத்தல், பொருத்தம், இடைவிடாமுயற்சி.



Ap`pli*ca"tion, n. Etym: [L. applicatio, fr. applicare: cf. F. application. See Apply.] 1. The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense; as, the application of emollients to a diseased limb. 2. The thing applied. He invented a new application by which blood might be stanched. Johnson. 3. The act of applying as a means; the employment of means to accomplish an end; specific use. If a right course . . . be taken with children, there will not be much need of the application of the common rewards and punishments. Locke. 4. The act of directing or referring something to a particular case, to discover or illustrate agreement or disagreement, fitness, or correspondence; as, I make the remark, and leave you to make the application; the application of a theory. 5. Hence, in specific uses: (a) That part of a sermon or discourse in which the principles before laid down and illustrated are applied to practical uses; the "moral" of a fable. (b) The use of the principles of one science for the purpose of enlarging or perfecting another; as, the application of algebra to geometry. 6. The capacity of being practically applied or used; relevancy; as, a rule of general application. 7. The act of fixing the mind or closely applying one's self; assiduous effort; close attention; as, to injure the health by application to study. Had his application been equal to his talents, his progress night have been greater. J. Jay. 8. The act of making request of soliciting; as, an application for an office; he made application to a court of chancery. 9. A request; a document containing a request; as, his application was placed on file.

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