Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஞாதி, பங்காளி, ஆண்வழி உறவினர், உறவினர், ஒருகுலத்தவர், (பெ.) தந்தைவழி உறவுடைய, ஆண்வழி உறவுடைய, ஆண்வழித்தொடர்புடைய, ஒருகுலஞ் சார்ந்த, ஒரே குலமுதல்வன் வழிவந்த.

Ag"nate, a. Etym: [L. agnatus, p. p. of agnasci to be born in addition to; ad + nasci (for gnasci) to be born. Cf. Adnate.] 1. Related or akin by the father's side; also, sprung from the same male ancestor. 2. Allied; akin. "Agnate words." Pownall. Assume more or less of a fictitious character, but congenial and agnate with the former. Landor. Ag"nate, n. Etym: [Cf. F. agnat.] (Civil Law) Defn: A relative whose relationship can be traced exclusively through males.

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