Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. ஏற்றுக்கொள், ஒப்புக்கொள், உடன்பாடு, நம்பு, மேற்கொள்ள இணங்கு.



Ac*cept", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Accepted; p. pr. & vb. n. Accepting.] Etym: [F. accepter, L. acceptare, freq. of accipere; ad + capere to take; akin to E. heave.] 1. To receive with a consenting mind (something offered); as, to accept a gift; -- often followed by of. If you accept them, then their worth is great. Shak. To accept of ransom for my son. Milton. She accepted of a treat. Addison. 2. To receive with favor; to approve. The Lord accept thy burnt sacrifice. Ps. xx. 3. Peradventure he will accept of me. Gen. xxxii. 20. 3. To receive or admit and agree to; to assent to; as, I accept your proposal, amendment, or excuse. 4. To take by the mind; to understand; as, How are these words to be accepted 5. (Com.) Defn: To receive as obligatory and promise to pay; as, to accept a bill of exchange. Bouvier. 6. In a deliberate body, to receive in acquittance of a duty imposed; as, to accept the report of a committee. [This makes it the property of the body, and the question is then on its adoption.] To accept a bill (Law), to agree (on the part of the drawee) to pay it when due. -- To accept service (Law), to agree that a writ or process shall be considered as regularly served, when it has not been. -- To accept the person (Eccl.), to show favoritism. "God accepteth no man's person." Gal. ii. 6. Syn. -- To receive; take; admit. See Receive. Ac*cept", a. Defn: Accepted. [Obs.] Shak.

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