Tamil Dictionary 🔍



, ''inf. [prov.]'' To cast anchor. (See கல்லுப்போட.) 2. To apply snake-stones to venomous bites with incantations, &c., விஷக்கல்வைக்க. 3. To set a stone on the forehead as a punish ment, the head being bent backward, and the face set toward the sun, நெற்றியிற் கல்லுவைக்க. 4. To crect a stone at a fu neral ceremony (a சாச்சடங்கு, personify ing a deceased ancestor, whose spirit is supposed to enter and remain in it while the ceremonies are performed. A deifi cation of the soul is supposed to take place and the stone is made an object of worship, சிலைதாபிக்க.

Miron Winslow

கல்லுவைக்க - ஒப்புமை - Similar