Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. உன்னுடைய, உங்களுடைய.

Your, pron. & a. Etym: [OE. your, , eowr, eower, AS. eówer, originally used as the gen. of ge, ge, ye; akin to OFries. iuwer your, OS. iuwar, D. uw, OHG. iuwer, G. euer, Icel. ythar, Goth. izwara, izwar, and E. you. *189. See You.] Defn: The form of the possessive case of the personal pronoun you. Note: The possessive takes the form yours when the noun to which it refers is not expressed, but implied; as, this book is yours. "An old fellow of yours." Chaucer.

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