Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நாயின் வேதனை உறுமல், நாயின் ஆர்வ அவாக்குரைப்பு, (வினை) நாய்வகையில் ஆர்வ அவாக் குரைப்புக் குரல் எழுப்பு, நாய்வகையில் வேதனைக் குரல் கொடு.

Yelp, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Yelped; p. pr. & vb. n. Yelping.] Etym: [OE. yelpen, , to boast, boast noisily, AS. gielpan, gilpan, gylpan; akin to OHG. gelph arrogant: cf. Icel. gjalpa to yelp. Cf. Yap.] 1. To boast. [Obs.] I keep [care] not of armes for to yelpe. Chaucer. 2. To utter a sharp, quick cry, as a hound; to bark shrilly with eagerness, pain, or fear; to yaup. A little herd of England's timorous deer, Mazed with a yelping kennel of French curs Shak. At the least flourish of a broomstick or ladle, he would fly to the door with a yelping precipitation. W. Irving. Yelp, n. Defn: A sharp, quick cry; a bark. Chaucer.

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