Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கண்ணி,மலர்வளையம், ஒப்பனைத்தழை வளையம், புகைச்சுருள், முகில் வட்டம்.


#noun chaplet, garland, crown, diadem



Wreath, n.; pl. Wreaths. Etym: [OE. wrethe, AS. wræedh a twisted band, fr. wriedhan to twist. See Writhe.] 1. Something twisted, intertwined, or curled; as, a wreath of smoke; a wreath of flowers. "A wrethe of gold." Chaucer. [He] of his tortuous train Curled many a wanton wreath. Milton. 2. A garland; a chaplet, esp. one given to a victor. Conquest doth grant He dear wreath to the Grecian combatant. Chapman. Far back in the ages, The plow with wreaths was crowned. Bryant. 3. (Her.) Defn: An appendage to the shield, placed above it, and supporting the crest (see Illust. of Crest). It generally represents a twist of two cords of silk, one tinctured like the principal metal, the other like the principal color in the arms.

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