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n. (பழ.) பேர்வழி, பிராணி.

Wight, n. Defn: Weight. [Obs.] Wight, n. Etym: [OE. wight, wiht, a wight, a whit, AS. wiht, wuht, a creature, a thing; skin to D. wicht a child, OS. & OHG. wiht a creature, thing, G. wicht a creature, Icel. vætt a wight, vætt a whit, Goth. waíhts, waíht, thing; cf. Russ. veshche a thing. Whit.] 1. A whit; a bit; a jot. [Obs.] She was fallen asleep a little wight. Chaucer. 2. A supernatural being. [Obs.] Chaucer. 3. A human being; a person, either male or female; -- now used chiefly in irony or burlesque, or in humorous language. "Worst of all wightes." Chaucer. Every wight that hath discretion. Chaucer. Oh, say me true if thou wert mortal wight. Milton. Wight, a. Etym: [OE. wight, wiht, probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. vigr in fighting condition, neut. vigh war, akin to AS. wig See Vanquish.] Defn: Swift; nimble; agile; strong and active. [Obs. or Poetic] 'T is full wight, God wot, as is a roe. Chaucer. He was so wimble and so wight. Spenser. They were Night and Day, and Day and Night, Pilgrims wight with steps forthright. Emerson.

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