Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. பழிசேர்ந்த, அவக்கேடான, பழிபாவத்துக்கஞ்சாத, கொடுமை வாய்ந்த, அநீதியான, ஒழுக்கக்கெடான, குறும்பு செய்கிற, போக்கிரித்தனமான.



Wicked, a. Defn: Having a wick; -- used chiefly in composition; as, a two-wicked lamp. Wick"ed a. Etym: [OE. wicked, fr. wicke wicked; probably originally the same word as wicche wizard, witch. See Witch.] 1. Evil in principle or practice; deviating from morality; contrary to the moral or divine law; addicted to vice or sin; sinful; immoral; profligate; -- said of persons and things; as, a wicked king; a wicked woman; a wicked deed; wicked designs. Hence, then, and evil go with thee along, Thy offspring, to the place of evil, hell, Thou and thy wicked crew! Milton. Never, never, wicked man was wise. Pope. 2. Cursed; baneful; hurtful; bad; pernicious; dangerous. [Obs.] "Wicked dew." Shak. This were a wicked way, but whoso had a guide. P. Plowman. 3. Ludicrously or sportively mischievous; disposed to mischief; roguish. [Colloq.] Pen looked uncommonly wicked. Thackeray. Syn. -- Iniquitous; sinful; criminal; guilty; immoral; unjust; unrighteous; unholy; irreligious; ungodly; profane; vicious; pernicious; atrocious; nefarious; heinous; flagrant; flagitious; abandoned. See Iniquitous.

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