Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. எளிதிற் சினங்கொள்கிற, வெடுவெடுப்பான.

Wasp"ish, a. 1. Resembling a wasp in form; having a slender waist, like a wasp. 2. Quick to resent a trifling affront; characterized by snappishness; irritable; irascible; petulant; snappish. He was naturally a waspish and hot man. Bp. Hall. Much do I suffer, much, to keep in peace This jealous, waspish, wrong-head, rhyming race. Pope. Syn. -- Snappish; petulant; irritable; irascible; testy; peevish; captious. -- Wasp"ish*ly, adv. -- Wasp"ish*ness, n.

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