Tamil Dictionary 🔍




Warmth, n. 1. The quality or state of being warm; gentle heat; as, the warmth of the sun; the warmth of the blood; vital warmth. Here kindly warmth their mounting juice ferments. Addison. 2. A state of lively and excited interest; zeal; ardor; fervor; passion; enthusiasm; earnestness; as, the warmth of love or piety; he replied with much warmth. "Spiritual warmth, and holy fires." Jer. Taylor. That warmth . . . which agrees with Christian zeal. Sprat. 3. (Paint.) Defn: The glowing effect which arises from the use of warm colors; hence, any similar appearance or effect in a painting, or work of color. Syn. -- Zeal; ardor; fervor; fervency; heat; glow; earnestness; cordiality; animation; eagerness; excitement; vehemence.

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