Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பலகை வரி, அறையின் சுவர் உள்வரி மர வேலைப்பட்டிகை, அகப்பாவரி, மரவேலை போன்ற சுவர் உள்வரியீடு, அந்துப்பூச்சி வகை, (வினை.) பலகை வரிசெய்,அறையின் சுவர் உள்வரி மரவேலைப்பட்டிகையிடு.

Wain"scot, n. Etym: [OD. waeghe-schot, D. wagen-schot, a clapboard, fr. OD. waeg, weeg, a wall (akin to AS. wah; cf. Icel. veggr) + schot a covering of boards (akin to E. shot, shoot).] 1. Oaken timber or boarding. [Obs.] A wedge wainscot is fittest and most proper for cleaving of an oaken tree. Urquhart. Inclosed in a chest of wainscot. J. Dart. 2. (Arch.) Defn: A wooden lining or boarding of the walls of apartments, usually made in panels. 3. 3. (Zoöl.) Defn: Any one of numerous species of European moths of the family Leucanidæ. Note: They are reddish or yellowish, streaked or lined with black and white. Their larvæ feed on grasses and sedges. Wain"scot, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wainscoted; p. pr. & vb. n. Wainscoting.] Defn: To line with boards or panelwork, or as if with panelwork; as, to wainscot a hall. Music soundeth better in chambers wainscoted than hanged. Bacon. The other is wainscoted with looking-glass. Addison.

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