Tamil Dictionary 🔍


Vo*lute", n. Etym: [F. volute (cf. It. voluta), L. voluta, from volvere, volutum, to roll. See Voluble.] 1. (Arch.) Defn: A spiral scroll which forms the chief feature of the Ionic capital, and which, on a much smaller scale, is a feature in the Corinthian and Composite capitals. See Illust. of Capital, also Helix, and Stale. 2. (Zoöl.) Defn: A spiral turn, as in certain shells. 3. (Zoöl.) Defn: Any voluta. Volute spiring, a spring formed of a spiral scroll of plate, rod, or wire, extended or extensible in the direction of the axis of the coil, in which direction its elastic force is exerted and employed.

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