Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 a. நன்குணர்ந்த, துறைபோன.-2 a. (கண., அரு.) தலைமாற்றான.



Versed, a. Etym: [Cf. F. versé, L. versatus, p. p. of versari to turn about frequently, to turn over, to be engaged in a thing, passive of versare. See Versant, a.] Defn: Acquainted or familiar, as the result of experience, study, practice, etc.; skilled; practiced. Deep versed in books and shallow in himself. Milton. Opinions . . . derived from studying the Scriptures, wherein he was versed beyond any person of his age. Southey. These men were versed in the details of business. Macaulay. Versed, a. Etym: [L. versus turned, p. p. vertere. See 1st Versed.] (Math.) Defn: Turned. Versed sine. See under Sine, and Illust. of Functions. Versed, a. Etym: [Cf. F. versé, L. versatus, p. p. of versari to turn about frequently, to turn over, to be engaged in a thing, passive of versare. See Versant, a.] Defn: Acquainted or familiar, as the result of experience, study, practice, etc.; skilled; practiced. Deep versed in books and shallow in himself. Milton. Opinions . . . derived from studying the Scriptures, wherein he was versed beyond any person of his age. Southey. These men were versed in the details of business. Macaulay. Versed, a. Etym: [L. versus turned, p. p. vertere. See 1st Versed.] (Math.) Defn: Turned. Versed sine. See under Sine, and Illust. of Functions.

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