Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. சித்திரத் துகிலுறை, இருக்கை தட்டுமுட்டு பொதிவுப் பட்டாடை, விதானத் தொங்கல்.

Val"ance, n. Etym: [Perhaps fr. OF. avalant descending, hanging down, p. pr. of avaler to go down, let down, descent (cf. Avalanche); but probably from the town of Valence in France.] 1. Hanging drapery for a bed, couch, window, or the like, especially that which hangs around a bedstead, from the bed to the floor. [Written also valence.] Valance of Venice gold in needlework. Shak. 2. The drooping edging of the lid of a trunk. which covers the joint when the lid is closed. Val"ance, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Valanced; p. pr. & vb. n. Valancing.] Defn: To furnish with a valance; to decorate with hangings or drapery. His old fringed chair valanced around with party-colored worsted bobs. Sterne.

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