Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. காற்றும் நீர்மமும் அடங்கிய தொய்புழை, உடலுறுப்பின் உட்குஸீவறை.

Vac"u*ole, n. Etym: [L. vacuus empty: cf. F. vacuole.] (Biol.) Defn: A small air cell, or globular space, in the interior of organic cells, either containing air, or a pellucid watery liquid, or some special chemical secretions of the cell protoplasm. Contractile vacuole. (Zoöl.) See under Contractile, and see Illusts. of Infusoria, and Lobosa. -- Food vacuole. (Zoöl.) See under Food, and see Illust. of Infusoria.

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