Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பருவ விடுமுறைக் காலம், நீள் விடுமுறை, நீடோ ய்வு, வெறுமையாக்கல், ஒஸீப்பித்தல், ஒஸீவு செய்தல்.



Va*ca"tion, n. Etym: [F., fr. L. vacatio a being free from a duty, service, etc., fr. vacare. See Vacate.] 1. The act of vacating; a making void or of no force; as, the vacation of an office or a charter. 2. Intermission of a stated employment, procedure, or office; a period of intermission; rest; leisure. It was not in his nature, however, at least till years had chastened it, to take any vacation from controversy. Palfrey. Hence, specifically: -(a) (Law) Defn: Intermission of judicial proceedings; the space of time between the end of one term and the beginning of the next; nonterm; recess. "With lawyers in the vacation." Shak. (b) The intermission of the regular studies and exercises of an educational institution between terms; holidays; as, the spring vacation. (c) The time when an office is vacant; esp. (Eccl.), the time when a see, or other spiritual dignity, is vacant.

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