Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. இரண்டு, (பெயரடை) இருமையுடைய, இரண்டான.

Two, a. Etym: [OE. two, twa, properly fem. & neut., twei, twein, tweien, properly masc. (whence E. twain), AS. twa, fem. & neut., tw, masc., t, neut.; akin to OFries. tw, masc., twa, fem. & neut., OS. tw, masc., twa, fem., tw, neut., D. twee, OHG. zw, zw, zwei, G. zwei, Icel. tveir, tvær, tvau, Sw. två, Dan. to, Goth. twai, tw, twa; Lith. du, Russ. dva, Ir. & Gael. da, W. dau, dwy, L. duo, Gr. dva. Balance, Barouche, Between, Bi-, Combine, Deuce two in cards, Double, Doubt, Dozen, Dual, Duet, Dyad, Twain, Twelve, Twenty, Twice, Twilight, Twig, Twine, n., Twist.] Defn: One and one; twice one. "Two great lights." Gen. i. 16. "Two black clouds." Milton. Note: Two is often joined with other words, forming compounds signifying divided into, consisting of, or having, two parts, divisions, organs, or the like; as two-bladed, two-celled, two-eared, two-flowered, twohand, two-headed, two-horse, two-leafed or two- leaved, two-legged, two-lobed, two-masted, two-named, two-part, two- petaled, two-pronged, two-seeded, two-sided, two-story, two-stringed, two-foothed, two-valved, two-winged, and the like. One or two, a phrase often used indefinitely for a small number. Two, n. 1. The sum of one; the number next greater than one, and next less than three; two units or objects. 2. A symbol representing two units, as 2, II., or ii. In two, asunder; into parts; in halves; in twain; as, cut in two.

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