Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. கண்டி, கடிந்துகொள்.


Twit, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Twitted; p. pr. & vb. n. Twitting.] Etym: [OE. atwiten, AS. ætwitan to reproach, blame; æt at + witan to reproach, blame; originally, to observe, see, hence, to observe what is wrong (cf. the meanings of E. animadvert; akin to G. verweisen to censure, OHG. firwizan, Goth. traweitan to avenge, L. videre to see. See Vision, Wit.] Defn: To vex by bringing to notice, or reminding of, a fault, defect, misfortune, or the like; to revile; to reproach; to upbraid; to taunt; as, he twitted his friend of falsehood. This these scoffers twitted the Christian with. Tillotson. Æsop minds men of their errors, without twitting them for what is amiss. L'Estrange.

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