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n. வரம்புகடப்பு, எல்லை மீறுகை, நெறி திறம்பல், ஆணை மீறுகை, சட்ட மீறுகை, பிறர் உரிமைத் தலையீடு, உடைமை மீச்செலவு, (வினை) வரம்புகடந்து செல், உரிமை எல்லைகடந்து நட, ஆணை மீறு,. அழையாது நுழை, பிறர் உடைமையில் தலையிடு, பிறர் உரிமையில் தலையிடு, நேர்மையற்ற உரிமை கோரு, வரம்பு மீறிய சலுகை எடுத்துக்கொள், தகாச்சலுகை எடுத்துக்கொள், ஒழுங்கு மீறு, தீங்கு செய்.

Tres"pass, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Trespassed; p. pr. & vb. n. Trespassing.] Etym: [OF. trespasser to go across or over, transgress, F. trépasser to die; pref. tres- (L. trans across, over) + passer to pass. See Pass, v. i., and cf. Transpass.] 1. To pass beyond a limit or boundary; hence, to depart; to go. [Obs.] Soon after this, noble Robert de Bruce . . . trespassed out of this uncertain world. Ld. Berners. 2. (Law) Defn: To commit a trespass; esp., to enter unlawfully upon the land of another. 3. To go too far; to put any one to inconvenience by demand or importunity; to intrude; as, to trespass upon the time or patience of another. 4. To commit any offense, or to do any act that injures or annoys another; to violate any rule of rectitude, to the injury of another; hence, in a moral sense, to transgress voluntarily any divine law or command; to violate any known rule of duty; to sin; -- often followed by against. In the time of his distress did he trespass yet more against the Lord. 2 Chron. xxviii. 22. Tres"pass, n. Etym: [OF. tr, F. trépas death. See Trespass, v.] 1. Any injury or offence done to another. I you forgive all wholly this trespass. Chaucer. If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matt. vi. 15. 2. Any voluntary transgression of the moral law; any violation of a known rule of duty; sin. The fatal trespass done by Eve. Milton. You . . . who were dead in trespasses and sins. Eph. if. 1. 3. (Law) (a) An unlawful act committed with force and violence (vi et armis) on the person, property, or relative rights of another. (b) An action for injuries accompanied with force. Trespass offering (Jewish Antiq.), an offering in expiation of a trespass. -- Trespass on the case. (Law) See Action on the case, under Case. Syn. -- Offense; breach; infringement; transgression; misdemeanor; misdeed.

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