Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. வாசற்படிநிலைக் குறுக்குக்கட்டை, குறுக்குக் கடடைக் கம்பி, பலகணி மேற்கட்டை, மேற்கட்டைக் கம்பி, வெங்கை, கப்பல் பின்புறக் குறுக்கு விட்டச் சட்டம், அறுப்புவாட்குழிக் குறுக்குச் சட்டம்.

Tran"som, n. Etym: [Probably fr. L. transtrum a crossbeam, transom, from trans across. Cf. Trestle.] 1. (Arch.) Defn: A horizontal crossbar in a window, over a door, or between a door and a window above it. Transom is the horizontal, as mullion is the vertical, bar across an opening. See Illust. of Mullion. 2. (Naut.) Defn: One of the principal transverse timbers of the stern, bolted to the sternpost and giving shape to the stern structure; -- called also transsummer. 3. (Gun.) Defn: The piece of wood or iron connecting the cheeks of some gun carriages. 4. (Surg.) Defn: The vane of a cross-staff. Chambers. 5. (Railroad) Defn: One of the crossbeams connecting the side frames of a truck with each other. Transom knees (Shipbuilding), knees bolted to the transoms and after timbers. -- Transom window. (Arch.) (a) A window divided horizontally by a transom or transoms. (b) A window over a door, with a transom between.

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