Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மீறு, வரம்பு கடந்து செயலாற்று, ஆணை திறம்பு, மாறாக நட, பெரும்பிழை செய். பழச் செயல் செய்.


Trans*gres"sion, n. Etym: [L. transgressio a going across, going over, transgression of the law, from transgredi, transgressus, to step across, go over; trans over, across + gradi to step, walk: cf. F. transgression. See Grade.] Defn: The act of transgressing, or of passing over or beyond any law, civil or moral; the violation of a law or known principle of rectitude; breach of command; fault; offense; crime; sin. Forgive thy people . . . all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against thee. I Kings viii. 50. What rests, but that the mortal sentence pass On his transgression, death denounced that day Milton. The transgression is in the stealer. Shak. Syn. -- Fault; offense; crime; infringement; misdemeanor; misdeed; affront; sin.

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