Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. சினை, முளைக்கவர், மானின் கிளைக்கொம்பு, பரம்பின் கோட்டுமுள், கவர்முள்ளின் முட்சினை.

Tine, n. Etym: [See Teen affliction.] Defn: Trouble; distress; teen. [Obs.] "Cruel winter's tine." Spenser. Tine, v. t. Etym: [See Tind.] Defn: To kindle; to set on fire. [Obs.] See Tind. "To tine the cloven wood." Dryden. Coals of contention and hot vegneance tind. Spenser. Tine, v. i. Etym: [Cf. Tine distress, or Tine to kindle.] Defn: To kindle; to rage; to smart. [Obs.] Ne was there slave, ne was there medicine That mote recure their wounds; so inly they did tine. Spenser. Tine, v. t. Etym: [AS. t, from t an inclosure. See Town.] Defn: To shut in, or inclose. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. Tine, n. Etym: [OE. tind, AS. tind; akin to MHG. zint, Icel. tindr, Sw. tinne, and probably to G. zinne a pinnacle, OHG. zinna, and E. tooth. See Tooth.] Defn: A tooth, or spike, as of a fork; a prong, as of an antler.

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