Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. pl. செய்தி, செய்தி, விவரம்.



Ti"dings, n. pl. Etym: [OE. tidinge, ti, tidinde, from or influenced by Icel. ti; akin to Dan. tidende, Sw. tidning, G. zeung, AS. tidan to happen, E. betide, tide. See Tide, v. i. & n.] Defn: Account of what has taken place, and was not before known; news. I shall make my master glad with these tidings. Shak. Full well the busy whisper, circling round, Conveyed the dismal tidings when he frowned. Goldsmith. Note: Although tidings is plural in form, it has been used also as a singular. By Shakespeare it was used indiscriminately as a singular or plural. Now near the tidings of our comfort is. Shak. Tidings to the contrary Are brought your eyes. Shak. Syn. -- News; advice; information; intelligence. -- Tidings, News. The term news denotes recent intelligence from any quarter; the term tidings denotes intelligence expected from a particular quarter, showing what has there betided. We may be indifferent as to news, but are always more or less interested in tidings. We read the news daily; we wait for tidings respecting an absent friend or an impending battle. We may be curious to hear the news; we are always anxious for tidings. Evil news rides post, while good news baits. Milton. What tidings dost thou bring Addison.

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