Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஆய்வுப்பொருள், பேச்சுப்பொருள், ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரை, (இலக்) சொல்லடி, விகுதிகளை ஏற்கும் பெயர்-வினைச்சொற்களின் பகுதிக்கூறு, (இசை) பண்ணின் படர் தரு பொருள்.


Theme, n. Etym: [OE. teme, OF. teme, F. thème, L. thema, Gr. Do, and cf. Thesis.] 1. A subject or topic on which a person writes or speaks; a proposition for discussion or argument; a text. My theme is alway one and ever was. Chaucer. And when a soldier was the theme, my name Was not far off. Shak. 2. Discourse on a certain subject. Then ran repentance and rehearsed his theme. Piers Plowman. It was the subject of my theme. Shak. 3. A composition or essay required of a pupil. Locke. 4. (Gram.) Defn: A noun or verb, not modified by inflections; also, that part of a noun or verb which remains unchanged (except by euphonic variations) in declension or conjugation; stem. 5. That by means of which a thing is done; means; instrument. [Obs.] Swift. 6. (Mus.) Defn: The leading subject of a composition or a movement.

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