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-1 n. பிடாரி.-2 n. சண்டி, வாய்ப்பட்டி, அடங்காப்பிடாரி, வசைமாரி பொழிபஹ்ள், (பெயரடை) பெண் வகையில் ஆர்ப்பாட்டஞ் செய்கிற, அடங்காப்பிடாரியான, முரட்டுத்தனமான.

Ter"ma*gant, n. Etym: [OE. Trivigant, Termagant, Termagant (in sense 1), OF. Tervagan; cf. It. Trivigante.] 1. An imaginary being supposed by the Christians to be a Mohammedan deity or false god. He is represented in the ancient moralities, farces, and puppet shows as extremely vociferous and tumultous. [Obs.] Chaucer. "And oftentimes by Termagant and Mahound [Mahomet] swore." Spenser. The lesser part on Christ believed well, On Termagant the more, and on Mahound. Fairfax. 2. A boisterous, brawling, turbulent person; -- formerly applied to both sexes, now only to women. This terrible termagant, this Nero, this Pharaoh. Bale (1543). The slave of an imperious and reckless termagant. Macaulay. Ter"ma*gant, a. Defn: Tumultuous; turbulent; boisterous; furious; quarrelsome; scolding. -- Ter"ma*gant*ly, adv. A termagant, imperious, prodigal, profligate wench. Arbuthnot. Ter"ma*gant, n. Etym: [OE. Trivigant, Termagant, Termagant (in sense 1), OF. Tervagan; cf. It. Trivigante.] 1. An imaginary being supposed by the Christians to be a Mohammedan deity or false god. He is represented in the ancient moralities, farces, and puppet shows as extremely vociferous and tumultous. [Obs.] Chaucer. "And oftentimes by Termagant and Mahound [Mahomet] swore." Spenser. The lesser part on Christ believed well, On Termagant the more, and on Mahound. Fairfax. 2. A boisterous, brawling, turbulent person; -- formerly applied to both sexes, now only to women. This terrible termagant, this Nero, this Pharaoh. Bale (1543). The slave of an imperious and reckless termagant. Macaulay. Ter"ma*gant, a. Defn: Tumultuous; turbulent; boisterous; furious; quarrelsome; scolding. -- Ter"ma*gant*ly, adv. A termagant, imperious, prodigal, profligate wench. Arbuthnot.

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