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n. தொடுவரை வட்டத்தின் ஒரு தடவை மட்டும் தொட்டுப் பின் விலகிச் செல்லுங்கோடு, (கண) இடுக்கை செங்கோண முக்கோணத்தில் செங்குத்து வரைக்கும் கிடைவரைக்கும் இடையேயுள்ள வீதம், (பெயரடை) வெட்டாமல் தொடுகிற.

Tan"gent, n. Etym: [L. tangens, -entis, p.pr. of tangere to touch; akin to Gr. tangente. Cf. Attain, Contaminate, Contingent, Entire, Tact, Taste, Tax, v. t.] (Geom.) Defn: A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically, that portion of the straight line tangent to a curve that is between the point of tangency and a given line, the given line being, for example, the axis of abscissas, or a radius of a circle produced. See Trigonometrical function, under Function. Artificial, or Logarithmic, tangent, the logarithm of the natural tangent of an arc. -- Natural tangent, a decimal expressing the length of the tangent of an arc, the radius being reckoned unity. -- Tangent galvanometer (Elec.), a form of galvanometer having a circular coil and a short needle, in which the tangent of the angle of deflection of the needle is proportional to the strength of the current. -- Tangent of an angle, the natural tangent of the arc subtending or measuring the angle. -- Tangent of an arc, a right line, as ta, touching the arc of a circle at one extremity a, and terminated by a line ct, passing from the center through the other extremity o. Tan"gent, a. Etym: [L. tangens, -entis, p.pr.] Defn: Touching; touching at a single point; specifically (Geom.) Defn: meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that point the same direction as the curve or surface; -- said of a straight line, curve, or surface; as, a line tangent to a curve; a curve tangent to a surface; tangent surfaces. Tangent plane (Geom.), a plane which touches a surface in a point or line. -- Tangent scale (Gun.), a kind of breech sight for a cannon. -- Tangent screw (Mach.), an endless screw; a worm.

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