Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நீச்சல், நீத்து, மிதப்பு, மீன்மடு, ஆற்றில் மீன்மிகுதி ஊடாடும் பகுதி, செயலோட்ட மையம், மையநடைமுறைப்போக்கு, (அரு.) மீன் உள்வளிப்பை, (வினை.) நீந்து, நீர்மத்தின் மேற்பரப்பில் மித, நீந்திக்கட, நீச்சல் போட்டியிற் கலந்து கொள், குதிரை-நாய், முதலியவற்றை நீந்திக் கடக்கச் சய், விரைவாகச் செல், நழுவியக்கமாக விரைந்து செல், தலைசுற்றப்பெறு, வௌ஢ளக்காடாக்கு, பொங்கிப் பெருகு, பொங்கி வழி, ததும்பி நில்.

Swim, v. i. [imp. Swam or Swum (; p. p. Swum; p. pr. & vb. n. Swimming.] Etym: [AS. swimman; akin to D. zwemmen, OHG. swimman, G. schwimmen, Icel. svimma, Dan. swömme, Sw. simma. Cf. Sound an air bladder, a strait.] 1. To be supported by water or other fluid; not to sink; to float; as, any substance will swim, whose specific gravity is less than that of the fluid in which it is immersed. 2. To move progressively in water by means of strokes with the hands and feet, or the fins or the tail. Leap in with me into this angry flood, And swim to yonder point. Shak. 3. To be overflowed or drenched. Ps. vi. 6. Sudden the ditches swell, the meadows swim. Thomson. 4. Fig.: To be as if borne or floating in a fluid. [They] now swim in joy. Milton. 5. To be filled with swimming animals. [Obs.] [Streams] that swim full of small fishes. Chaucer. Swim, v. t. 1. To pass or move over or on by swimming; as, to swim a stream. Sometimes he thought to swim the stormy main. Dryden. 2. To cause or compel to swim; to make to float; as, to swim a horse across a river. 3. To immerse in water that the lighter parts may float; as, to swim wheat in order to select seed. Swim, n. 1. The act of swimming; a gliding motion, like that of one swimming. B. Jonson. 2. The sound, or air bladder, of a fish. 3. A part of a stream much frequented by fish. [Eng.] Swim bladder, an air bladder of a fish. -- To be in the swim, to be in a favored position; to be associated with others in active affairs. [Colloq.] Swim, v. i. Etym: [OE. swime dizziness, vertigo, AS. swima; akin to D. zwijm, Icel. svimi dizziness, svina to subside, svia to abate, G. schwindel dizziness, schwinden to disappear, to dwindle, OHG. swinan to dwindle. Cf. Squemish, Swindler.] Defn: To be dizzy; to have an unsteady or reeling sensation; as, the head swims.

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