Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பட்டிக்காட்டிளைஞன், குடியானவன், முல்லைநிலக் கவிதைக்குரிய நாட்டுப்புறக் காதலன், மன அவாவாளன்.

Swain, n. Etym: [OE. swain, swein, Icel. sveinn a boy, servant; akin to Sw. sven, Dan. svend, AS. swan, OHG. swein.] 1. A servant. [Obs.] Him behoves serve himself that has no swain. Chaucer. 2. A young man dwelling in the country; a rustic; esp., a cuntry gallant or lover; -- chiefly in poetry. It were a happy life To be no better than a homely swain. Shak. Blest swains! whose nymphs in every grace excel. Pope.

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